Thursday, March 13, 2014

Stitch from Stash - February Update

Stitch from Stash update for February

HI Mel! I forgot to send you my numbers for February. I didn't do to bad; $26.85 for the month. I went over by $1.85! Maybe I'll stay at or under $25.00 for March. I only bought used charts during the month of February. I didn't buy anything during the $100.00 weekend splurge. Not a single pattern I wanted and the kits were so expensive for what you got.
I'm hoping that for the month of March I can stay at or even under budget. It certainly helps when the new charts and kits don't knock my socks off!
Stitching Smalls Update for January and February
These are the 2 charts that I was able to finish for the Stitching Smalls SAL! I also decided to use these charts all 12 of them in the Northwest Sampler Guilds Presidents Challenge for 2014. The challenge is to stitch and finish a project. Easy for some but not others. The challenge is to finish it yourself. Whether you frame it yourself or make it into a box or flat fold, pin cushion etc. I'm going to make these little stitches into mini pillows as they were shown on the chart photo. I have all I need to finish them and then I want to weave a special basket for them to be displayed in. Its a challenge that I can do but can I actually make myself finish it all. That's the real challenge for me. Wish me luck. I am working on a small chart now and have also finished another one so I am all set for March. Wow it feels so good to be ready before the deadline even gets close to approaching. I'm sorry about the shadows in my photos. I just don't have a great place for picturing taking. The shadow is my cell phone. I have misplaced my camera and have no idea where to look since its not where I last used it.
Till next time happy stitching to everyone!